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Reprising the two concepts we began with, we want to conserve energy and resources; that is important at every scale and area of our lives.  Nature, life itself, is a flow.  We can either work with or against that flow.

The flow of life in nature can be observed in the stages of natural succession.  Natural succession never stops.  It can be delayed, but it always moves forward.  All of the energy and resources we spend on land management is generally spent in an effort to hold the land in one, or between two, of the stages of succession.  This is true for both private land as well as public spaces, from cities to forests.

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When an ecosystem moves from the bare rock stage, lichens, mosses and other organic matter collect on the rock and break it down to create soil. Each stage introduces new micro and macro species

In the shrub stage, slower growing plants have time to grow in the protected environment of the pioneer stage.  They continue the process of adding humus, nutrients and stability to the soil, as well as diversifying the variety of life.

Finally, the tallest, slowest growing trees become established and provide shelter for all of the mature forest under-story species.  The whole process begins anew when a disturbance, such as a fire, or agriculture resets the system to open soil.

Wind and wild life easily seed the soil with plants that have a high tolerance to adverse conditions.  These are referred to as pioneers. They add humus, nutrients and stability to the soil.

In the early forest stage, young trees begin to establish themselves.  Because of their taller growth, deep roots and longevity, the can out-compete many of the plants that had prepared the soil for them.

The biggest waste of our time and energy is our modern tendency to fight succession.  We spend our resources in an attempt to remain in the stage that is the least productive and requires the most effort: the pioneer stage. 

We pave cities to the near exclusion of plant and animal life.  We mow massive lawns based on archaic value systems, often poisoned to maintain that single species; and forcing the system to hold fast at the least diverse and least productive stage of succession.

The result is dead soil under an artificial lawn, and the need to apply more and more chemicals to try to maintain the appearance of "health." Now imagine the lack of health in soils farmed in this way.

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So far, this system of land management, along with our agricultural methods, deforestation, and negligent participation in the carbon cycle, has produced a domino effect of degenerative investments of our time, natural resources and energy.  Many communities are already feeling the effects of climate change, from floods to illness, and other natural disasters.  Millions live in food deserts. Millions live without drinkable water. Eventually we will all suffer the consequences of such poor decision making when it comes to our habitat.

Wouldn't our time and energy be better spent setting nature up

to provide for us as well as for all the species in the environment?

We've tried reduce, reuse, recycle, it was not enough. We must...

Demand - that our government and industries put the same effort into the idea of reusable, renewable and sustainable resources that individual families are.


Reflect - on what we really need to be alive and well.

Recognize - that when greed is kept in check, there is plenty for all life.

Reduce - consumption, thoughtlessness, sensory overload, non-compostable daily and single-use materials, waste streams and the amount of waste that is thrown away.

Reuse - Re-gift. Re-sell. Everything that is still useful. Reconsider every item's next highest use until the end when it returns to the earth to support further life. Share resources and durable goods within your community.

Reconnect - with all people and other species surviving in the same ecosystem you do.

Revalue - the planet we inhabit and the resources that it provides.

By demanding more of our government and by voting with our dollars to change the way industry functions in our country, individuals can really affect change.  

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By applying permaculture concepts throughout our lives we can...


Join with our neighbors in creating eco-hoods, which provide for life on many levels. Push to integrate Earth systems in our urban areas. Take charge of the direction our legislation goes, ensuring that the Earth system is included on the balance sheet. Create a life of meaning and substance in harmony with the planet. Create a truly civil civilization, breaking down walls that separate us from our fellow man and building a world in which all can thrive. Build resilience into human design to sustain us through extreme events. Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum of understanding and change, whatever piece resonates with you and makes you want to create change in your life, we can help.

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