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So let’s cut to the chase. The hardest truth we must face is this… We’re doing it wrong. Almost all of it. 

The culture we collectively create as humans is unhealthy for us as well as the environment which sustains us. 


Humanity since the industrial revolution (and some would say the agricultural revolution) has been clumsy and self centered in the way we have lived on the Earth. Before we had the science and centuries of observation, one could argue that we did not know or understand our effect. We were forgivable by reason of ignorance. But we know better, we have seen, yet we always look away. 


The issue has now become that the changes needed are not easy (to say the least), and we have spoiled ourselves. Enrichment, ease and enjoyment for ourselves exclusively, both at the individual and group level, have been the goals, at all cost.


While the brilliant design of humanity is evident in our power to manipulate our environment to suit our needs, we have not considered that the environment that we destroy to make room, or things, for ourselves - was also the system sustaining us. 


The true test of our brilliance will be if we stop the destruction, and create a world fit for all life to work in equilibrium. The natural world will only ever spend her energy working towards balance and equilibrium, we just need to get on board. 


It has become much too easy, at our stage of considerable “advancement,” to live each day without considering the natural consequences of how we live. They are showing up all around us, and yet we do not attribute them to our own actions, often because many of us are privileged enough to not see much of the damage we, as a species, are doing to our habitat and each other. 


It is convenient to justify all we do because we are not, as individuals, the worst culprit. We are not merely individuals though, we are humanity. We can no longer push responsibility and change off on a concept (government, others, industry…). 


We must be radicals. We must create deep change within our personal spheres of influence, and use that to collectively push the governing bodies, industries and systems which we employ, in the direction they need to go.


We must alter broken political systems which neglect the environment and universal basic rights. We must decide if we are here only for the benefit of our own lives and lines, or if we are here for the benefit of humanity, and all species.  


As for industry, they only exist with our approval, cooperation, or capitulation. We must recognize that what each of us buys, uses or invests our resources in is a vote for that thing to continue. And what we do, we do to all other inhabitants of the world we live in. We might not have made this mess, but we need to clean it up. Our time may be short.


Let's examine that concept for a moment. Spheres of influence. Or better yet,  gears of influence.  When the circle increases in size, we exert more force.

 Each of us has a sphere of influence. One has control over what they themselves do. We all have that in common, and MUST begin there. Then we have our household, in which we also have the ability to influence the actions of others. Many people have extended families with whom they have influence. Many people have neighbors with whom they interact. Beyond that we have religious organizations, school districts, social clubs, and social media, towns and cities which have local governments we can take part in, and have influence upon. 

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 5




Local groups

Across the country

We are each unique and must work effectively within our own spheres of influence. To make solutions workable, they must be within our reach.

We must take responsibility and create with intention the world immediately around us and then within each sphere, as well as create a system of governing which includes, protects and serves all life, rather than concepts, like profit and financial capital. 


The true advancement of humanity will be measured in our ability to use our wisdom and technology to create a well balanced and healthy world, seen reflected in healthy inhabitants, and not imaginary stock market numbers. 


So where do we begin? I would argue that our amazing ability to create, even to excess is exactly one of the biggest influences confounding our sustainable and harmonious living here on Earth, specifically because we have been too immature to place self-checks on our ways. The glorification of consumption in today’s culture is understandable, this place is amazing, we have been like kids in a candy shop. 


In order to know what is excess, let’s take stock of what we actually need. 

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