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There are two foundational concepts that will keep repeating, and should guide all of our decisions.

Firstly, nature works in patterns, or fractals.  Fractals exhibit repeating patterns at increasingly larger or decreasingly smaller scales.  "As above, so below."  This is called self-similarity.  Each twig bears a similarity to the branch from which it grows, and that to the tree, and the tree to the roots, and so on with the roots out to their filaments.

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The romanesco broccoli is one of the most beautiful and amazing examples of fractals in the natural world.  Each nub is covered with identical nubs, which are covered with identical nubs, and the pattern repeats, spiraling throughout the entire flower head. 

Repeating patterns are found everywhere in nature.

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Repeating patterns teach us that if we learn the ways of one system,

it will give us insight into how other systems work. 












It will be an important practice to observe how nature accomplishes tasks, to then guide us in accomplishing our own tasks. The answers to all questions likely exist, or can be imagined through observation of similarities in nature.

hurricane and solar system joined graphi

The next important concept is energy.  More specifically, conservation of energy which is the same as conservation of resources.  Our resources represent the total energy available to us at any scale - either individually or as a group - at any given time.  Anything you utilize in your life is a resource, energy had to be spent to buy, collect or create it.

                                             Resources = Energy   

Everything that happens, every breath, every movement, action, or event, every creation or destruction, requires energy in order to occur.  Throughout the universe, the total energy in a system remains constant.  Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it merely changes form.  No system - without an external energy supply - can deliver an unlimited amount of energy.

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So where do we get our energy?  What powers our actions?  From getting up in the morning to laying down at night, what energy resources do we utilize and where do we get them?

Let's explore energy sources and uses...

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